Waste-to-energy technology (WTE) refers to processes that convert trash – municipal solid wastes (MSW), agricultural wastes, medical or process wastes– into usable energy, such as electricity, heat or steam. A variety of methods are used to make solid, liquid or gas fuel.
The World Energy Council in 2016 reported that at the current rate of waste generation, global waste is predicted to reach 6 million metric tons per day by 2025. Among several processes being used and developed for WTE are gasification, plasma gasification and pyrolisis, which involve super-heating in a low-oxygen environment to avoid combustion and reduce emissions to near-undetectable levels. Anaerobic digestion, an area of increasing interest, uses microbial processes to produce biogas. Other new technologies are being investigated around the world, in an industry that holds potential to grow globally and become integral in a closed-loop, circular economy, and the near-elimination of landfills.
American Diversified Energy (ADE) gives you access to over 150 experts, who can provide assistance on everything from due diligence to advancing new technologies related to all aspects of waste to energy and energy innovation. ADE also can provide assistance with feasibility studies, annual reports, securing grants and guaranteed loans, responses to requests for proposals, creation and production of multiple types of business publications, business plans, financial models, financial presentations, business case and market analyses, technology development, engineering assistance, project management, government relations, and lobbying, and more. Feel free to contact or call us at 202-750-0007 for more information.