Renewable Energy | Renewable Chemicals | BioBased Products | Alternative Fuels | Advanced Technologies
A consulting service of American Diversified Enterprises, LLC, working in collaboration with Federal Funding Services LLC

U.S. Treasury
Bond Programs, Tax Credits, Accelerated Depreciation
The Internal Revenue Service and U.S. Treasury offer several incentives for deploying innovative technologies
Here is an explanation of some of the funding options and incentives available through the Internal Revenue Service and U.S. Treasury:
Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC)
Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit (PTC)
Bonus Depreciation (begins phasing out in 2022)
Tax Credit and Direct Pay Bonds
The Internal Revenue Code provides the holders of qualified bonds with tax credits and direct payments as incentives to facilitate renewable energy projects, energy conservation, forestry conservation, and tribal economic development, among other activities.
Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs), for example, can be used to finance renewable energy projects using technologies that also qualify for the federal renewable energy production tax credit (PTC): wind, closed-loop and open-loop biomass, geothermal energy resources, landfill gas, municipal solid waste, qualified hydroelectric, marine, and hydrokinetic (wave, tidal, and water current) energy resources.
Other bonds in this category include:
Qualified Forestry Conservation Bonds
New Clean Renewable Energy Bonds
Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds
Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds
Recovery Zone Facility Bonds
Tribal Economic Development Bonds