Companies working in the field of clean energy, from solar power to biofuels to waste-to-energy projects, depend on the experience and practical wisdom of clean energy experts. These include engineers, financial advisors and others who are grounded in climate science, energy finance and grants, energy markets, energy policy, analytics, energy efficiency and much more.
These experts can promote awareness and stimulate demand, guide the development of renewable energy projects and point entrepreneurs and innovators toward the financing needed to bring green energy technologies from concept to commercialization.
As global use of non-renewable fossil fuels continues at a high rate, it becomes more important to find new, efficient and cost-effective clean energy solutions. Scientists and health experts point to benefits of renewable energy to improve public health by facilitating cleaner air and water, and to reduce the emission of pollutants that contribute to global warming. Clean energy, such as wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric and biomass, supports thousands of job in the U.S. and around the world.
American Diversified Energy (ADE) gives you access to over 150 experts, who can provide assistance on everything from due diligence to advancing new technologies related to all aspects of solar, waste-to-energy, and biofuel power. ADE also can provide assistance with feasibility studies, annual reports, securing grants and guaranteed loans, responses to requests for proposals, creation and production of multiple types of business publications, business plans, financial models, financial presentations, business case and market analyses, technology development, engineering assistance, project management, government relations, and lobbying, and more. Feel free to contact or call us at 202-750-0007 for more information.

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